Does anybody here know for sure what day and time the DVD was released at the District Assembly?
The second DA for the coastal Pacific Northwest takes place this weekend. It's only a 5 minute drive for me to get over there. I don't mind wandering in and sitting through one talk, might even record it while there, but I really don't want to have to endure much more than that. I am fairly well known in the local Kingdom Hall area. Two JWs from the local KH dropped off an invitation two weeks ago, but their convention was last week at the same location. I should be unrecognized this weekend because most of the KHs are over 25 miles away.
I'd like to get a copy or two of the DVDs and also the talk that goes with it.
So - can anyone give me an idea of the best time to show up there? I think my wife tossed the invite, but I think the timing is probably the same for both convention weekends. Also, did they specifically recommen any particular donation?
I can't believe it only has the 4 segments. Kids will watch pt 1 and 2 a few times and then put the DVD away forever. JW always think that thowing out anything published by the WT Society is holy, so tossing anything out would be like a public Bible burning to them.